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The Impossible Quiz Book
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Question 111 of The Impossible Quiz Book is the eleventh question of Chapter 3, where you are taken to the Monochrome era of video games, used throughout the first ten questions of Chapter 2. The only two colours are black in the background and green for the question number, task and options, as usual. There are two broken areas, one under the question number and one next to the question.

The question asks "Which is the sexiest guitar string?", and the options given are "A", "B", "E" and "G". All of which make the sound of different guitar strings when highlighted by the cursor, though it can be difficult to hear if the music is on.

The correct one out of those is "G", referring to a G-string, which is a kind of thong underwear or swimsuit generally worn by women. And that is sexy indeed.

If it takes too long for the player to find the answer, there will be a small single sound of a G-string playing as a hint. (You should disable BGM to hear it more clearly)
