The Impossible Quiz Wiki
The Impossible Quiz 2
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Question 55 of The Impossible Quiz 2 reads "How do you get Pikachu onto a bus?", with the possible answers being "Pokémon", "A hammer to the face", "Piss on his shins" and an option box with a glowing Arial-font message that says "CLICK HERE FOR A FREE iPOD!!".

As tempting as the fourth option sounds, the correct one is "Pokémon", since you can read it as "poke him on", which makes sense since you're trying to get a Pikachu onto a bus.

Mobile version

To prevent Copyright issues for using the names "Pikachu" and "Pokémon", this question was completely removed, and its spot was taken by the original Question 75 of the Flash version ("How many times do you have to punch a cat in the face until it loses conciousness?").

You have to remember how many times Chris got punched in the face before he fainted in Question 51. The key difference is that, instead of having 12 cat-shaped buttons numbered 1 through 6 and 10 through 15, there are only ten buttons numbered 1 through 10.
