The Impossible Quiz Wiki
The Impossible Quiz
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Question 4 from the Impossible Quiz is the first normal question with a trick. The question says "Click the answer", but all four option boxes are signed "out of order". They're all incorrect, obviously. What you must do in order to pass this question is to click on the words "the answer" on the question task.


  • Question 124 from The Impossible Quiz Book is a corrupted version of this one, with the same task and same option boxes, but has the word "Elephant" popping in on top of the question through a time scar (due to the time-travelling madness caused by Chris and Norman). This question requires you to move the mouse away from the screen to make the elephant from Question 37 from the second Quiz fall from the top of the screen. The words “the answer” are still clickable, but are incorrect this time around.
  • Instead of Splapp's handwriting, the option boxes have the "Typewriter" font in them.
  • This is the first question where the answer is not in an option box.
  • Question 81 from the second quiz has almost the same task as this one, although the W in "answer" is removed, and there is an exclamation mark.